My goal in life is to be able to look back and know that everything I did, and every choice I made was what I really wanted.
I want to know that I lived to please myself and not anyone else.
I want to be able to honestly tell myself that every little thing that I went through has made me stronger.
I want to know that I learned from every hardship and struggle.
I want to be able to say that I'm happy with the way I lived my life.
I want to know that I'm comfortable with myself; flaws and all.
I want to know that I did the best I could.
I want to know that I lived my life to the fullest.
I want to know that I smiled as much as I could;
That I laughed as hard as possible;
And that I cried as many tears as I could muster.
I want to be able to say that I had the best friends a person could ask for.
And that even my enemies weren't that bad.
I want to know that I loved and lost.
And after that, I loved again.
I want to know that I proved people wrong;
That I went beyond expectations.
I want to be able to say that I fought for what I thought was right;
That I stood up for the people that couldn't stand up for themselves.
Especially the ones I cared about.
(And that I beat a few people's asses along the way!)
I want to be able to admit that I didn't do it all on my own.
I want to be able to openly give thanks to the people who poked, prodded, pushed, and shoved me to be the best I could be.
I want to know that there were people that completely changed my life; for better or for worse.
And I want to know that I changed someone else's life too.
I want to know that I put a smile on someone's face and made their day.
I want to know that I helped at least one person in some tremendous way.
I want to know that I felt remorse for the people that I hurt.
And that in the end, karma kicked me in the ass for hurting them in the first place.
I want to know that I didn't give up the things that I wanted in life.
I want to have memories that I'll never forget and photos I'll never get rid of.
I want to be able to tell my children, children's children, and even their children that I had amazing adventures.
That I learned my lessons.
And that even though I did "everything the hard way" as my mom liked to put it, it was all worth it.
My life was worth it.
Because it will be.
I'll make sure of it.
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