Thursday, October 23, 2008


I don't understand how someone can try so God damn hard to make other people happy, and still never get a damn thing in return.
It just doesn't make sense to me. Someone will do everything imaginable to try to make people feel happy when they're upset, or just to put a smile on someone's face because they care about them, and yet, no one can do the same for them.
When they're upset or down, no one knows what to do. No one wants to even try to help make them feel better. No one bothers to do a damn thing.

Ya know, I used to think that the whole, "Sometimes, just a simple smile from a stranger can make a person's day," was just someone talking out of their ass, but it's true. It doesn't even have to be a stranger's smile... Just a simple smile from someone, a true smile, could make my day...

Is it just me, or does no one ever have a smile on their face when I'm around anymore?

I hate feeling unwanted.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just please tell me why;

Why is it so hard for someone to just admit that they're hurt?
Why does is always come out as anger?
Why is it so much easier to try to hurt others when you're feeling pain too?
Why do we say things that we don't mean?
Why do we love those that can never love us back?
Why is it so easy believe that someone can change?
Why are people blinded so much by their emotions?
Why does thinking of all of this make my head hurt?
Why does thinking of all of this make me think of you?
Why do I still continue to let myself hurt because of you?
Why do I still have those moments where I can't help but miss you?
Why do I still cry?
Why can't I bring myself to say that I hate you?
Why does this still hurt me?
Why do you do the things that you do?
Why can't I believe your?
Why can't you prove that you're sorry?
Why do I hurt so badly, while you sit there in smug happiness?
Why does she get everything that I always wanted?
Why does she get the fairy tale ending when I'm the one who worked so hard; who earned it?
Why is this happening?
Why did we fall apart?
Why didn't you keep your promises?
Why does everything remind me of you?
Why am I still here?
Why is life so unfair?

Can you please just tell me why?

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm done with it;

This is the end.
It's the end of everything we had, everything I ever felt for you.
So go on and take your stupid whores, have them all you want.
Press your lips a little harder onto theirs and let all of the diseases swarm into your mouth.
I hope they kill you.

I can honestly say that I don't give a FUCK anymore.
You're stupid, pathetic, and worthless.
You're an ugly, lying, piece of shit.
And no matter how much I denied it in the past, the truth has come to the surface;
You're JUST like your father.

I hope you do jump off of that bridge like you were talking about.
Because ya know what, I won't shed a fucking tear.
You're not WORTH it.
You're not WORTH anything more than the dirt that you'll end up in.

You disgust me.
I can't believe that I ever thought so much of you.
I take back every word that I ever said to make you feel special.
I take back anything I ever did to make you feel loved.

I take it all back.
So please, just do everyone a favor, and go kill yourself like you've been wanting to for so long.
Oh, wait. You're too much of a fucking COWARD!
Grow some balls and just off yourself, will ya?
Take your bitch with you.
Neither of you will be missed.